Monday, June 26, 2006

Procrasti-what now?

Yes, it's been nearly a year since the last post. And yes, quite a lot has happened in the intervening year. But since the Summer of Soda has a link to Cali-FOOOOOR-NYAAAAAAH, I thought, best put up some news, however trivial. (and by "however trivial", I mean "very, very trivial indeed.")

To wit: We were awakened this morning by a new and awful phase of construction across the alley.

(My god! Five years of condo construction in Chicago, then we move 2000 miles away and within a year, they've started tearing things down within earshot of us in Santa Monica. Are we cursed?)

The noise was really spectacular. Loud, obviously, but also violently grinding and screeching. As we were both dragged into consciousness, I realized I'd never heard a comparable sound before in my life. Michael asked me what I thought it was (other than construction) and I had to really think it over. How on earth could you make such an enormous racket? It wasn't riveting, it wasn't hammering, it wasn't earth moving. Then it hit me.

I think they're trying to shove an entire submarine through a two inch hole in a poured concrete wall.

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