Monday, March 24, 2008

Also the Final Season of "Blake's 7"

Dear "Torchwood,"

I love you, but you are not a good show. Sorry, but it had to be said. That wedding episode was full on retarded, up to and including the final scene in which, OF COURSE, it turns out Captain Jack was once married. Jesus, what hasn't that guy done? Give birth by C-Section? (Note: That would have been a much better idea, btw. Not that you asked me. I'm just saying.)

Nothing personal, I am a fan of the not good (see also "Scarecrow and Mrs. King," "Wizards and Warriors," and long stretches of your older cousin, "Original Formula Doctor Who, Now With Even More Monsters Made From Garbage Bags.")

Your with great affection and not especially reliable taste where genre fiction is concerned,



Doctor of State said...

The head bandage is because he had a brain tumour. I believe he died of it.

Kate said...

Philippa -- boy, I hope you're referring to my John Adams post, or else I REALLY need to start paying more attention to "Torchwood."

Thank you for the historical footnote. I'm guessing it was, like, bulging out of his head or something?