Thursday, March 20, 2008

What Have We Learned So Far?

1. It is almost impossible to work and blog and get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Something has to give. And I come from a long line of Olympic-grade sleepers, so...

2. MG loves the Rutles. We went to a Rutles event earlier this week and--wait, wait. I realize some of you might wonder, who are the Rutles? To express it in SAT terms, Nightline: Daily Show:: Beatles: Rutles. Cool? Cool.

Okay, getting back to the topic at hand. MG loves him some Rutles. Here's what he said about our outing:

Rutles reunion? Some said it couldn’t happen. Most said it shouldn’t happen. All I know is, Kate and I were raring to go from the moment the evening was announced. But being non-celebrities in a celebrity-driven town, it was not as easy as all that. First, tickets sold out almost immediately; second, Kate had to promise not to run up to Jeff Lynne and kick him for overproducing the Threetles.

Dude, for real. Jeff Lynne has some shin kicks coming. Man needs to keep his hands OFF THE SYNTHESIZER, YO. Isn't it a danger sign when your music turns out to be the pitch-perfect soundtrack for a film about a rollerskating rink where 1980 versions of the Greek muses like to hang out and, uh, rollerskate?*

For the rest of the story, check out MG's post on what by my count is his nine millionth blog, this one mostly about the Beatles.

* Not there is anything wrong with rollerskating. Rollerskating is effing cool.

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