Friday, December 28, 2007

It's All About Perspective

I watched an early third season "Grey's Anatomy" last night. (I think. Unless this is their fourth season. Which, if true, boggles the imagination.)

I'd like to think that my "Grey's" spec captures some of the energy and lightness of touch of the original, but I'm guessing not, considering I'm 0 for 5 in the big TV spec contests this year. (Disney, thoughtful folks, sent me my ding letter the week before Christmas.) And I don't have it in me to go back and give it another polish, so there's some sadness to the realization that the ship has sailed.

Anyway, my point is, I never thought I'd watch another episode of "Grey's." Last season, with the canceled wedding and this season's arrival of Lexi Grey broke me. I couldn't take any more.

But as it turns out, I am weak. And as it becomes clear that I will not see any new television until, MAYBE, mid-June, I'm starting to make accommodations. Like watching shows I previously considered unwatchable. And, very likely, catching up on "The Wire" before it's January premiere.

It's the same principle by which I put off doing laundry all day yesterday, only to despair at 5 p.m. when the power went out. Not just in my apartment, or my building, but the whole block. (A question I still haven't answered: If the power goes out and my car's in the garage, how do I get it out? And in the event of nuclear attack, does that mean we're gonna die of radiation poisoning because we can't get out of town? Confidential to gloomy protagonists: Don't bother leaving a comment about all the ways we'll die before getting a car out of the garage becomes an issue. Just... don't.)

I started to make various back up plants to accommodate our newly blacked-out condition, and then just as I was about to leave for the movies... the power came back on. I tell you, I did that laundry like it was one big soapy holiday.

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