Friday, December 14, 2007

No Wants!

I could lie and say, I don't even know what a lolcat is, my mom sent me this and I thought it was funny. But that's not how I roll.

Yes, I have a lolcat problem. I routinely check for fresh, newly hilarious lolcat humor. I also quite enjoy LOLTHULHU, although it helps if you're somewhat familiar with H.P. Lovecraft. (MG wrote a hilarious H.P. Lovecraft/P.G. Wodehouse smashup about ten years ago, the best line of which involved some bluff colonel observing "I say, I think this Cthulu blighter wants to eat our soul, what." (Or words to that effect. I've begged MG to dig up this piece but he swears it's lost forever, so that means I get to make up whatever I want and claim he wrote it. Mwhwhahahahaha!)

The gradual unclenching of my brain continues apace. This morning I woke up without praying that I could sleep for several more years. That's a good sign.

I've also had some thoughts in the general vein of "You know what might be fun?" and the answer wasn't: "Hide in my closet until the end of the semester." MG and I are going to get a Christmas tree later today, and possibly take in a screening of "Juno," as well.

Also slowly drifting back to life is the part of my brain that looks to the future and thinks of things that might be nice to own in the not to distant future. You wouldn't guess that this is something your brain could stop doing, but mine can. My very sweet mother-in-law had an uphill battle last weekend, trying to figure out what I might like for Christmas, when all I could do was stare at sweaters as if they were a French verb I'd never seen before.

"I don't.... can you... is it something you *wear* or something you *eat*?"

Speaking of eating, that's a whole other category of fun. I was so unplugged from my appetite that all last weekend, I would grudgingly agree to go some where for a meal, even though I wasn't hungry. Then the second I sat down, I would be ravenously hungry. As in, starving.

That is also slowly improving, as I am realizing that I need to eat, then preparing and consuming food accordingly.

Anyway, the universe in its gracious way is helping me out. Just as I am starting to have some interest in Christmas presents, Cole Haan has marked down my favorite ballet flats and miracle of miracles, I think Verizon is actually going to release the Treo 755p in the next week.

And so the cycle of life continues. I think of things I want, and lo! they are available for purchase.

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