Monday, December 10, 2007

Oh Dear God...

Pages written today: Zero.

Number of carb-craving vampires living in my stomach, whispering dark suggestions about an idiotically ill-advised trip to Pizzeria Mozza for a fungi misto special: One.

Hours remaining until I must stop writing, print the script and drive to campus: Twenty-two.

Number of remaining hours I will undoubtedly end up sleeping: Eight.

Therefore, remaining hours to work on this script: Fourteen.

How fucked I am right now: Very.


Little Miss Nomad said...

Did you know Joe's (re: New York landmark) opened up a spot in Santa Monica? I find it vastly superior to Mozza...

Also, do you or Mike like Ben Lee?

Kate said...

If Joe's is old school NY, then I bet the crust is fantastic -- but I don't really care about crusts.

I am a total toppings Nazi. What gets me about Mozza is the Italian fontina, the finely chopped mushrooms, the light dusting of thyme.

Then again, maybe I'm just afraid to contemplate the possibility of awesome pizza a short walk from home.