Friday, January 25, 2008

It begins...

I start on Monday.

An interim deal has been signed, sealed in an airless canister and fired into space so it can never be rescinded or altered in anyway, until it accidentally collides with the imprisoned remains of General Zod in the Phantom Zone and he comes to the "Mad Men" writers' room to claim us as his loyal slaves.

I am almost consumed by the guilt of going back to work -- yes, legally, legitimately, and even possibly serving as yet another wedge to force the AMPTP to reach a deal -- while most of the WGA is still on strike.

Why yes, I have both Irish Catholic AND Eastern European grandparents. Why do you ask?

Even so, I am extremely, extremely, extremely excited.

P.S. Can I get you anything? Coffee? An extra fork for that salad?


Carrie said...


Ann Z-K said...

Good for you! I understand your reticence R/T the strike, but I am very excited for you!