Thursday, November 29, 2007

And where did her boobs come from?

Okay, granted, I wasn't paying the most attention. But two hours into "King Arthur" (with Clive Owen, who, btw, is WAY TOO OLD for Keira Knightly, but maybe that's the point), I just looked up and I swear to God I have NO IDEA what is going on.

Guinevere is a Pict? I mean, a Wode? And they're fighting the Saxons? And Arthur, a former Roman centurion judging by his headgear, is with the Picts? WTF?

Also, G, word to the wise: All the really bad ass ladies cover up the mid-drift when charging into battle. Really cuts down on the abdominal wounds.

Minor aside: Went to a 7:25 screening of "American Gangster" on Monday night. Actual movie did not start until 7:55. HALF AN HOUR! And not for some "Transformers" nonsense, with Burger King tie ins.

What is the world coming to when you can't go see a classic rise-and-fall epic without 30 minutes of trailers before hand?

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