Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Working So Hard...

My ass hurts. From sitting. At my desk. Where I do all my writing.

Okay, technically, it's not my ass so much as the last two or three vertebrae above my pelvis. And they don't hurt so much from sitting as from the *way* I sit, which is slightly over on my right buttcheek. Not a lot, but just enough that after 8 hours of computer time... ow.

Here's how I know I've been sitting at my desk too long. I get up and do one of those kindergarten stretches where you bend from the waist and reach for your toes. At first, my hands only go to my kneecaps. Then, through the magic of gravity, my spine slowly begins to unkink, like a string of beads, and my hands will drift inexorably towards the floor.

If I do that stretch three or four times and go for a long walk, the problem generally solves itself. But yeah, it would be better to, you know, not eff up my spine in the first place.

Went to Williams - Sonoma for, ah, well, some peppermint bark, if you must know. Which I have not yet opened. I have a revolutionary plan: I will only eat 2 tins of peppermint bark between now and New Years Day. Look, I admit, that's a lot of peppermint bark. But it's also A LOT LESS than, say, maybe I ate in some years. In the past. Which are behind us now, and why not let bygones be bygones.

Waiting for a register, a woman literally drifted backwards into the line ahead of me. It was brilliant. She cut in front of me, but since she never looked around to see if anyone else was in line, technically she did nothing wrong. I'll have to remember that for next time.

As sometimes happens, a staff member saw the whole thing unfold and made eye contact with me as she said "I can take the next person over here." And then, best part, Clueless Dame strolls off to the register to take the staffer up on this offer.

The staffer looks back at me and says "Weren't you next?" And I look at the lady already planting herself at the counter, still unaware that she's now cut in front of me twice, and smile. "I think she needs help."

Which is both true, and a little bit mean, although not intentionally. I was so pleased with myself, I totally forgot all about being cut in front of and went off to my car with a song in my heart and a spring in my step.

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