Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Uh, it IS Kate

Because I have a million errands to run today, I am poaching today's post from something my sister sent me.

Last August, the powers-that-be decided to cast the "Mad Men" interns as extras in the season finale. Todd the sound engineer would be played by my fellow intern, and Norma the voiceover artist would be played by me. Neither of us had lines, which is why we could even be cast -- speaking parts always go through the casting director.

Anyway, not wanting to be cocky, I kept this news to myself. Even though there were several master shots with me in the frame, I know perfectly well that you can cut anyone and anything out of a scene if you really want to.

Fast forward to the broadcast of the season finale. Nothing. Crickets. I call my family. Several of them have already watched it, and loved it. And? And nothing, it was a great episode.


Finally, I put up a picture on Facebook from my day on the set. My sister Molly's like "Is that your Halloween costume?" Uh, no. I spill the beans. Her reply?

NO WAY. I watched the finale, so did larry! The scene were the three chicks are in the sound booth??? Wait...I remember that scene very clearly. Hold on.

NO WAY. There you are!! how the fuck did I miss that!! That is insane!

She decides that, obviously, our parents were just distracted when they watched the episode, or they would have recognized me. She sets about trying to rectify the situation, thusly:

After playing the scene 4 times with no light bulb going off, I paused the screen with you on it for Dad. He stared at it, trying to see what he was supposed to be seeing...

Me: You don't see it?

Dad: No...

Me: Look on the left side of the screen

[silence, light bulb still off]

Carrie Powers: Does someone in that screen look familiar? Like they are related to you maybe?

Dad: Well, I guess maybe that looks like Kate a little?

Larry: Uh, it IS Kate

Dad: Get OUTTA here!!

Then when we hit play and you walked out he practically screeched "The Walk! That's Kate!"

In fact, I think all of this speaks to my natural gifts as an extra. I am so restrained in my performance that even BLOOD RELATIONS cannot spot me on screen. Also, the writing, acting and direction are all so masterful that the audience is focused ENTIRELY on other matters -- as it should be.

Note to casting directors: I am available for shoots until the end of the strike. Past credits include "Mad Men" and the role of Piglet in the Oak Park River Forest H.S. production of "Winnie the Pooh." Weaknesses as a performer: Instantly identifiable by my distinctive, duck-foot stride. Could possibly work as a stand-in for Helen Hunt?

1 comment:

G said...

Kate! You... my dear, are a star. Far more so than... um, what's his name.

I see a lot more in your future. Missed you at the rally today, where I ran into Matt, again. I see him everywhere. G